Friday, January 16, 2009

When Muppets Touched the Stars

There are moments of profound importance that should be remembered for all time. Sometimes these are celebrated for all time, but, as often as not, they are forgotten by a world that neglects its past and its depth.

We are here today, in The Middle Room, to celebrate an event that deserves grander fanfare than we can provide. By rights, this should be a holiday or, at the very least, there should be a parade. But we haven't the power to arrange these things. This humble tribute shall need to suffice.

Twenty-nine years ago, to the day, the cast of Star Wars appeared on The Muppet Show.

This would not be the only time Muppets and blasters shared the screen: Frank Oz (iD&Di: .36) puppeted Yoda (iD&Di: .61) in The Empire Strikes Back, which was released the same year.

It troubles us that many geeks today have never seen this episode of The Muppet Show, where the destruction of Alderaan was revisited (unlike any later Star Wars movie) and where Luke Skywalker comandeered the Swine Trek to search for a captive Wookie.

Fortunately, Disney has remembered this event, and, in its honor, has released a set of Muppet figurines dressed as Star Wars characters. Were The Clearance Bin to neglect such a release, it would represent a heinous crime. Fortunately, a review is now present, just in time for the twenty-ninth aniversity.

What's more, while Jim Henson is no longer with us to celebrate, it is clear than his spirit is with us still.

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